Friday, 12 July 2024

Update Post

Well it has been a while between updates, with Covid 19 causing many many issues and lockdown especially when it came to global travel. I was originally lining up flights for Japan in 2020 before everything shutdown. But those issues aside and with the world getting back to normal*, I wanted to update and refresh this list/blog.

So I’ve gotten way more into film and movies the last few years, although even with all the older/international and smaller movies I’ve watched there was still only a couple from my best and worst lists watched, which I’ve updated accordingly. However, I am going to update the list for “Best movies of all time” to replace a few that are no longer considered as good, or horror movies since I generally don’t enjoy those with other “Best” movies that I’ve been meaning to watch for a long time, things like Threads (1984), Lady Snowblood (1973), Ikiru (1952), Rashomon (1950) The Conversation (1974) and A Matter of Life and Death (1946). As well as add a few from the last 20 years that should be on the list, since the original book was published back in 2004 and to make it a more rounded 150 movies listed.

But for those more interested in movies and TV series, I’ve been setup and using Trakt for 11 years now and recently copied my movies to a Letterboxed profile. While I think Trakt is the better platform since it does so much more than Letterboxed, with collections, lists, calendars and both TV series and movies, Letterboxed does seem to be more popular, so I set that up as well and just copy movies across as I watch them.

On top of that, I spent time setting up HTTPS for both this site and  which too more work than I expected, as most things IT related often do. 
In other news I’m also fairly open as asexual/aromantic so since it’s my bucket list I’m replacing or updating the following things.
Mostly it’s the sexual based ones that seemed fairly pointless and since I’m an open Ace now figured should replace them with something that’s more enjoyable or interesting to myself and since it's my list, I'll do whatever I want lol. So as an update the following changes have been made:

Number 7: Be Part of a Threesome is replaced with “Be a Member of a TV Studio Audience” (Now 7 and 29b).

Number 18: Study the Kama Sutra and Put Theory into Practice is now replaced with “Meet Someone Famous (Now 18 and 30b)”.

Number 20: Get Backstage and Get Off with a Rock God is replaced with the similarly music based one of “Attend a Music Festival (20 and 33b)”.

Number 35: Play a Part in Your Favourite TV Show is replaced, more due to the fact that a. most of my favourite TV shows are finished production and b. None of them are ever filmed in Australia and even to be an extra would require applying for a working VISA in the US/Canada to be able to be apart of the filming production. But this one is replaced with the connected task of “Own a part of your favourite TV Show (35 and 35b)”.

Number 40: Get a Free Upgrade on a Plane is just being updated to a more general “Get Comped/Upgraded Something”, due to flight upgrades being a thing of the past with airlines now charging for any tiny extra they can.

Number 62: Join the Mile High Club is now replaced with “Apply to be on a Reality Show (Now 62 and 31b)”.

Number 71: Have Adventurous Sex is now replaced with the similarly adventurous “Visit the Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan (Now 71 and 34b)”.

And Number 101: Continue Your Gene Pool is replaced with “Attend a Film Premiere (Now 101 and 32b)”

Other than those changes, I’ve also been working on updating some of the previously completed items on the list that never had their own post. So keen an eye out for those over the next short while.
