Number 27 - See an Erupting Volcano

Climbing the final leg on foot, you feel a small rumble and then hear a tremendous roar as you climb, Yasur is greeting you. What a sight to behold.

Number 49 - See both Solar and Lunar eclipses

And while it was not total in Brisbane (83%), it was a strange thing watching it through the solar glasses seeing a massive slice of the sun missing.

Number 10b: Visit Chernobyl

Chernoybyl and Pripyat. Hauntingly beautiful, incredible experiance in an amazing country.

Number 11 - Storm Chase a Tornado*

Partial complete, but an amazing experience even as they were "Rain Wrapped". Huge epic storms with beautiful structure and powerful lightning.

Number 23b: Spend a night in the desert

The heat, the cold and the incredible vast distances of sand.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Number 48: Be Present when your team wins a World Cup

Completed 2 December 2017
2017 Rugby League World Cup, Australia VS England

Now I’ve never been a huge sports fan, but I do understand the appeal of competition and rivalry. So since my bucket list is also about trying things I’d never really seen the appeal in, why not sports… in fact why not the biggest of sports with a World Cup event.